Type CPU / Microprocessor
Frequency (MHz) 266
Bus speed (MHz) 33
Clock multiplier 8
Package 320-pin Ceramic Staggered Pin Grid Array
1.952″ x 1.952″ (4.96 cm x 4.96 cm)
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Manufacturing process 0.35 micron 4-layer metal CMOS process
Data width 32 bit
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size 16 KB write-back 4-way set associative unified instruction and
data cache
Physical memory (GB) 1
Features MMX multimedia instructions
Low power features
APM support
CPU only suspend
Suspend modulation
Full 3V suspend
On-chip peripherals
PCI controller
Display controller and 2D Graphics accelerator
64-bit synchronous DRAM controller
Memory Management Unit
Internal Bus Interface Unit
Electrical/Thermal parameters
V core (V) 2.9 ± 0.15
V I/O or secondary (V) 3.3 ± 0.16
Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation (W) 3.26 (Suspend mode) / 5.87 / 10.7
Interfaces with Cx5520 or Cx5530 companion chips